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Veterans Transportation Resources:

If you live in Cache Valley and need to go to the VA Hospital in Salt Lake City, contact Veterans Transportation Services at 801-582-1565 Ext. 2003. 


If you live in Box Elder or Rich Counties, you may also be able to meet Veterans Transportation Services at designated pick up points in the Logan or Brigham City areas.  Call 801-582-1565 Ext. 2003 with questions.

For other information on veterans resources in Cache Valley, contact the Cache Valley Veterans Association (CVVA) the following ways:

  1. Visit

  2. Visit the CVVA Facebook page HERE

  3. E-mail at

Bear River Association of Governments (BRAG)

170 N. Main, Logan UT 84321  |  435.752.7242

© 2018 By Bear River Association of Governments. 

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